LEGEND ADENIKE, THE POLYTECHNIC IBADAN STUDENT STILL NEED OUR HELP SERIOUSLY. She lost her leg at the age of 5 due to serious medical complications yet this never deterred her from chasing her dreams in life. Despite her state & paucity of funds, she chose school, believing her condition will not stop her from having education. Today she’s a student of the Polytechnic of Ibadan. Adenike is a cheerful girl, always smiling & full of life despite everything. But the current prosthetics which she uses no longer functions. She has outgrown the prosthetics, making it difficult for her to move around without human support. If you know any organization that supports amputees or foundations that can help provide funds (or prosthetics) Please, and having recognised everyone's effort/contribution towards the issue of our legend (Adenike), we huge everyone to contribute tremendously towards this and also if u know anybody who knows great personality; politicians, carrier professi